Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dream Chaser

I've heard about the Dark-Hunter series for a while now, but dispite my enjoyment of paranormal romance, I've never picked up one of the books. A few weeks ago I needed something to read while on my lunch break and came across Dream Chaser. This was a great read! I was a bit lost on the Dark-Hunters and exactly what the mythos for the series was since this book is in the middle of the series, but it was still enjoyable. The heroine was likeable and the supporting characters interesting. The hero was compelling. His quest for vengence and his determination to remain solitary both made complete sense and I really enjoyed the way the heroine got through his walls and made him warm up while still retaining his cold demeanor. The interaction between the hero and the supporting character, a mouthy ghost permenantly stuck in 1988 was excellent. It was a lot of fun reading this and getting more information about the Dream-Hunters.
As my first foray into the series it hooked me enough to want more. I was confused because I didn't know all the back story, but that confusion did not detract from the main story at all.
Up next, Acheron!

Haunted Halls

October’s Book-A-Month theme was Hauntings. Given the type of books I go for I knew I would be all over this theme and have plenty to work with so I decided to try a Non-Fiction book on hauntings. Something I’ve always been fascinated by are the ghost stories you find on college campuses so when I found the book Haunted Halls: Ghostlore of American College Campuses, I expected some great ghost stories and a bit of information on the history of the stories.

Sadly that’s not what I got. What I got was a Sociological dissertation on the way ghost stories are used to deliver moral lessons in the American heartland. I was disappointed by the clinical tone of the book and the lack of representation for the Southern States. Colleges I know have a reputation for ghostly encounters weren’t mentioned at all. There are Southern universities and colleges mentioned, but very few. I did learn some interesting things about the ghosts from New England and the Northern Mid-West, but on the whole, I was bored by the book. Luckily, this wasn’t the only book I read during the month of October. More coming on my newest interest, the Dark-Hunter series.